Winter Formal Dance

Bobby wrote to me about his preparing for the Winter formal 2000 dance. His sisters took him to get fitted for a tuxedo and they all got matching suits. After getting the tuxedos he mentions they had to learn to dance. They had to all practice and he reports he did not feel so bad as the other guys in his group did not know how to dance either.  He did not feel as bad, as he realized he was not the only one needing to learn.  The night of the dance he presented his date with a rose and all gathered around for photos taken by moms and families. At the dance he was able to dance to a few slow numbers and only a few fast ones. He had a great time as it was a fun night out for him and his friends. He reports that his doctor found him to be doing good but no word on any donors as yet. We continue to pray that there be one soon! He is going to counseling sessions to help him along during difficult days. Our prayers are always with you Bobby!

God bless you,  Rose

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Background Music "Sacred Song" courtesy of GreyWolfcub

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